Monday, August 17, 2009

Trying to catch up

our last day in Guangzhou was a lot of wait, I went to get my $7 massage, ouch, and we were all packed to get out of there. Just one last stop the American consulate. There are no pictures naturally cameras aren't allowed. Mei was really excited to be packing up we were surprised. She wouldn't let me through out anything. She kept finding stuff in the trash like a zip lock with cracker crumbs and take it out to put it in my bag, or these gross tea bags so I had to get a little more creative to toss the things I didn't want to take home. At 2:30 we packed all our luggage on the art and headed for the bus. This experience I am about to tell you is like nothing I have ever felt before. We walked in to the building, I kept thinking of those movies where being chased the woman is out running the bad guy shouting "I'm an American" and the solder grabs her to protect her on safe soil. however it wasn't like that. I was sad. We took the escalator up rounded the corner to see one of the most beautiful sites I've ever seen, a huge American flag. I got chills and full of warmth all at the same time my eyes welled up as I thanked God "that is the flag of MY country". You all should know from my blog that I love the USA but being in that Communist country where the lack of freedom is so obvious everyday, we are so blessed. I think if there weren't a line of people behind me to keep me moving I would have just stopped to cry thanking God for all He has given us in America. It really was such a wonderful safe feeling being there. as we entered through several check points it was so comforting to be there. At the end of the process we all stood up raised our right hand to take an oath, don't think I've ever done that before another movie sequence, then the worker said something that did make us both weep (almost everyone in the room actually) "these are your children and the moment that plane touches American soil they will be a U S citizen, the stamp on the passport will make it official" the thought of giving someone with no rights, no freedom, or choices that stamp of a new try at life in a free country were some of the most beautiful words I have ever heard. as turned we saw Mei, so far this was the most important day of her life and she doesn't even know it. Paper work is done everything is signed no more appointments no more interviews it was really quite a moment 3 1/2 year wait had come to an end. now all we needed to do was get to that American soil.


Lynn Joy Mecher said...

God is so awesome! I'm ever amazed how He has gone ahead of you every step of this journey. This whole experience reads like a book. Love you, love your journey!

WML said...

I got chills and tears just reading. I can't imagine being there. I can't wait until al the stories roll out and I am so happy that you have David and B to share it with, because no one else will really understand how amazingly awesome, hard, tricky, interesting... this experience has been