Friday, June 18, 2010

my celebration put in to words

no picture today. You will have to use your imagination this time. If I could show you her picture 2, 4, 6 year ago it would be a thin black haired girl a smile with no teeth showing probably holding up two fingers because that's what everyone does but she is a girl society forgot. her orphan papers didn't even begin to be written until she was at the institution for 5 years, much to late to be wanted by 99% of people looking for babies. No body saw her except one her heavenly father who like He did for His own son was making a plan for her life but one that would take a while longer to be realized. A bit dramatic? no it is the truth. you know our story God led us to her, we were part of the plan. She has received such wonderful freedoms here, love, confidence and assurance of her place here. As she was flying a kite on the beach making believe it would pull her up in the air I asked her "what if the kite flew you all the way to China?" she said in quick response "that's easy you and baba would come pick me up again" the security a family brings is something we so carelessly forget about. Up stairs she has a great grandma now who has prayed for her since way before she knew she was there. In our family we always say that if grandmas praying for it sit back and wait for it to happen she as quite a godly woman. Well today it happened as we sat back a watched it happen as that girl who now has a new life with her family made a phone call to her "grandma upstairs" "I asked Jesus in my heart" and with the pure love and joy on the other line her new grandma with tears in her voice said "oh how I have prayed you would" mei had even heard it for herself. grandma can't get on her knees anymore but when the kids go up for breakfast they know they have to wait until grandmas done praying for everyone by name. she had heard her name being prayed for over and over that she would understand the the message of the Bible.
so on this day June 17th the day after we mourned the death of our cousin who died a long two years ago and celebrated that God sent a new life on that same day to make our family count up to 46 making it a day of life, we can all celebrate yet again as a little girl who once had a very slim chance of ever even hearing of the love of Jesus sat in the back seat of the car with her sister and heard again about His love for her. How many times has liv shared with her? how many times did the language make it confusing? Not t0day God used his little missionary right there right then to help give her sister the understanding of god who dearly loves her. A book I am reading said," doing something bigger than yourself doesn't depend on how old you are it depends on how available you are. If you choose to be available God will work through you." I am thankful for my 7 year old who was not willing to leave the job to a grown up it was her job. While the rest of us listened to The Hobbit liv was in the back seat leading her sister step by step in to Gods family. Our family yes, an American citizen sure but best of all she is God child who has been given eternal life in heaven. so we will celebrate back to back life giving days here in the middle of June where that skinny toothless smile no longer exists and new creation has taken her place .


condapfour said...

Oh Tammy!!!! Very well written and so very exciting. We love hearing news like this!!!!

erik and courtney said...

full of tears and joy!

bergs said...

We didn't have to wait as long as we thought. We it would take so much longer to understand but I guess Livie knew how to explain it. YEAH!!
Kendell says we have to have a party.

WML said...

Tammy - I cannot imagine life without Mei or the God who brought her to us. Remember last summer when every day a prayer was being answered, "Yes!" ? Those memories are so preciouls now because they remind me that God hears...