Monday, November 29, 2010

keeping busy helping out

being at camp and helping was so comforting to all of us
everyone had a job to do

getting ready for the "Chuck brunch" and the funeral lunch at camp
liv did her best work right here. she also took care of the babies during the service at church which was a real blessing to the moms there
everyone loves Dave I always say. she was laughing she just did the dear in head lights thing for the picture
everyone needs a little fun too. pass up a wrestling match with Colby? no way!
after it was all said and done so many people thanked and even praised us for the work , I was perplexed of course we would help it's why we are here its what you do. David reminded me that our family is not the norm, Reggie taught us you just jump in with 2 feet when someone needs help. there was a lot of work to be done there at camp and we are so happy we got to come early because many hands make light work and we bring 14 of them. As I think back on it even my 5 year old helping I am so thankful for the blessing we have in our godly heritage we live out and praise God even Reggie's great grand kids are following his example, God gave us hands and feet let's use them!

1 comment:

WML said...

I wouldn't have expected anything less from you. I am so glad you were there to minister to Jane, Kyle, Colby and so many others. Love you!