as is our tradition have an Easter basket scavenger hunt G found a convenient place to keep his clues
hooray found them
Off to church and Gs class had their Easter program, when I said hey guys smile here's the picture I got. Can you believe this, wouldn't this be the best wedding photo ever! Thankfully I love her and her folks so the idea is a fine one.
"Jesus died for you and me" he did it.
Addi may have a bit of competition I'll take either love 'em both
these two may not look to much a like but they sure do throw the exact same tantrum. It was SO funny to she her protest with the same mannerisms G does, shoot I guess the temper is a Meister trait
ready for the candy hunt? "yeah!" aunt lynns about to let them loose into the yard
another family tradition
Kyle headed up the hiding. We were so happy to have K&J home for Easter BONUS!
most all the kids and with these kids the picture can change
just that fast!
lets try again, you notice the big kids were done with the photo opp and the little ones were going nutty
best buddies
Kendell showing off her new and improved smile, love it
he loved his face paint he kept coming out of the jumpy to ask me if they still looked good, no kidding 25 times, and even slept with it. sadly his mean mom made him wash it off for the easter program sunday
so many buddies there
her is what I get when I say "show me your easter eggs gray" nice.
so much fun right
yes I am very partial about who gets in my pic's, guilty
T and sky even got to hunt, he also had to get out grass stains later that night
our first baby boy was born, today is a teenager we began our celebrating bright and early
then off to the Field museum for the real pirates exhibit which was really great (don't recommend you bring little kids readers only) no cameras are allowed in the exhibit that's why no pics
this is what we need a sound proof room
G wanted his picture here, wonder why?
liv wanted to be sure everyone got in a pic with B
perfect gift, the pirates code book
we left at closing
and lucky for us he wanted ribs, YUM!
after a full day we came home to dessert and the last gifts what a great day together. I really thought I would be a wreck having him turning 13 but so far I am very confident.He is walking with the LORD and has so many unbelievable examples of godly men surrounding him and investing time and energy into growing him closer and stronger in his relationship with Jesus. David and I couldn't ask for anything more that that. 13 years ago God gave us a wonderful gift one we are still enjoying everyday.