Monday, October 5, 2009

yet another procedure for me

Dr. Candido read my MRI on Friday and found something curious with my SI joint. He has another procedure he wants to try and has got me in fast! tomorrow, Tuesday, at 11am I willRemove Formatting from selection be having yet another procedure at the hospital including needles in my back yippie! pray, pray,pray as always for Dr. Candido.It seems we can no longer get hopeful about these procedures as none of them have been the answer yet. My pain is really bad and can not function anymore with out the strong prescriptions. I take them for things like church, races or anytime I leave the house. That mean while I am home, and not taking them, I am in bed flat it is really miserable for all of us. For me pray my recovery isn't horrible and long my body doesn't handle these kinds of needles very well. T.

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