As you can see we got to spend time with one of our favorite babies too and it's never to early to start her on running or sporting the shield! she looks happy with the idea right.
wonderful friends of ours let us use their cabin, we have never been her in the snow so the kids, who are quite inventive, made a sledding hill down the front of the house
as you can see it is not you average sledding run. In fact they warned me "mom you may not want to come see this one" so I mean with a warning like that I had to go down right?
no worries only minor injuries.
we were totally lucky since camp had a huge retreat we got to babysit baby Char two whole days, the kids were all so happy to take care of her I hardly needed to do anything for her. in this picture K&J got an afternoon break from camp and came over for a visit.
one of the reasons I love it up here is because things move at my pace. we just hang out, play games- a lot of games, play around the house and just be together. Char was an easy addition as you can see she was sky's lucky charm in Disney apples to apples (which I highly recommend as a kids &adult game)
aunt lynn called one day and said "there is a 25 ft ice castle in Eagle river, so we dressed warm and headed over. It was really cool, and extremely cold!
my favorite part was the trees frozen in to the ice as decoration and that some of the ice had sea weed frozen in to it.
as you will see, no baby spends much time not being held in this family
at our candy store stop G picked out matter teeth- sucker.
How fun! You guys always have fun wherever you go! Love the idea for an outside scavenger hunt!
I dont like this. I DIDNT EVEN SEE YOU GUYS ONCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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