Wednesday, February 11, 2009

mothers night at sparks

Lately I have really been missing my mom. So this mothers night at Sparkies made my heart ache thinking of her. I was glad Wendy was a mom there too, some how it made it easier. Here are the great moments of the night
Kendell was my pinch runner which was great
another great in this picture is Kitty the leader who does the devos every week, David and I were her powerhouse leader. We were there when she excepted Christ, just a student on the "fringe" who now is all grown up and teaching our daughter about Christ. Oh yes so great
that's my girl, wow so great
finished her second book on mothers night, totally great
and then she picked out of the treasure chest held by the same Mr. Fox who held that treasure chest for me 30 years ago what a great example he is. As you can see I wasn't to glad to be there at first but I think God was just sitting up in heaven smiling knowing how blessed I would be at the end of tonight. I still miss my mom but am so blessed by the great church family and blood family God continues to use in my daily ho hum life.

1 comment:

WML said...

There is nothing ho hum about your life. You are the very best parts of mom. Funny that you were missing her so much on Wednesday - Tuesday night was really hard for me. I wonder what she would have bid for your kids' treats???