Thursday, March 17, 2011

maybe I have it all wrong

So I've been thinking lately about how our family survives by just hanging on, sometimes by a very thin thread. We are going on 4 years of a very painful life one that truthfully has no sign of turning up. So as I lay flat I have been thinking, does God like when our life is just hanging on? rather than cozy on the comfort of life? We are still managing to serve him, to raise our kids in a godly home, even help out needy kids who have nothing resembling a good home, life gets lonely when you spend so much time at home but it gives us a heart for hurting people. My kids know how to help and recognize people in need. my house is not fancy, new or even orderly, but is this what God is looking for? I'm not so sure. maybe he wants us uncomfortable, I have seen so much that doesn't make sense and is really uncomfortable and it happens to the godliest of people. my pastor does always say" God doesn't call us to be comfortable just obedient to Him" so should I continue to pray for healing or just the ability to hang on? which will please God more?

1 comment:

WML said...

My heart is resonates with yours.