Friday, August 7, 2009

Stateside: The best of Olivia

The other day, I asked Olivia to pick her favorite pics to send to China - these are her choices.

Waiting in line at Bears Training Camp.

When Livvy saw Homer, she screamed, "My husband!"

Just plain cute.

"Matchy matchy"

Stilts are tricky, so Uncle Al to the rescue.

Naper Settlement had a lot to do, like a whole section on kids' chores. Carryting water 1-2 miles was one of them. She insisted on having rocks in the buckets like Sky; she didn't get too far. Makes taking out the trash seems like a vacation.

Pretending to be the Ingalls family. If I weren't 43 and didn't have 6 kids who wanted to sit in the front, I would have done the same thing. As it was I imagined how I would have packed up the tiny wagon with everything I "need."

This house was one of many buildings at Naper Settlement that
were closed that day. All the kids want to go back and check them out.
"I got one!"

AUntie betty's rule - you catch a fish, you take out the hook yourself. Hence, the reason I didn't fish. I feel sorry for them.


Chris and Abbie said...

Liv - Great job taking the hook out of the fish! I don't think I'd be that brave. And I like your short hair, super cute!

Love, abbie

WML said...

Thanks, I had so much fun! Once I took the fish hook out. I wasn't that afraid. Once, all the guts came out. We called it diarrhea. Where we went was Ms. Franks, Kendell's old tutor. Taylor invited us to his pool. We will send picture to you. I miss you, Olivia